Monday, October 12, 2009

I Search Q's

Key things I learned in writing this I-search?
I have learned a different way to actually write a paper. This way for me now is a little difficult but easier to explain to the certain extent.
2. How does this relate to what i already know?
The reason how it relates to what i kno is because of how i can add to my current writing skills.
3. How can I apply what i've learned in my future writings in this class?
I can actually master my papers and take them to another extent and actually try to master the essay.
4. Can i apply this to outside of the classroom?
In a way you can, you can use them in different classrooms than this one and maybe if your going to be a writer then you can actually be a step ahead of other writers.
5. What was a high point of this writing?
A high point of the i search writing for me was when i actually found out how to write it the right way.
6. Low point of this writing?
A low point, well i really didn't have a low point so i really cant talk about it.
7. What obsticals did I encounter?
My biggest obstical was the actual search of this essay.
8. What strategies did I use to overcome these obstacles?
I used different networks to actually find out the information.
9. What have i learned about my self as a writer? I learned that i can actually write, even though i really don't prefer to write. I also think i have the ability to become a writer.

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